
Florescent Tubes, Steel, Wood, Rope, Motor | 35’ x 16’ x 7’ | 2012 | Time lapse photograph

Along Bellingham’s bay sits the 140 acre ruins of the Georgia Pacific paper mill, an enormous brick and steel carcass resulting from the last century of resource extraction and pollutive heavy industry. Slowly the structures are being torn down with booms that echo through town, as we find ourselves within a landscape of significant change. The eight foot lights are spinning at a rate of 1 : 2 : 4, evoking a large, luminous dial marking this historic cultural transition.

Large format photography by Jason Byal

 The original installation for Dial was located adjacent to a complex of highway overpasses in front of my Portland, OR shop location. At this site, the work marks the tremendous passing volume of transportation and thus energy consumption. The work is reminiscent of the electric meter outside your home but on a much larger scale.



