Can’t Look Away

We invite you to this summer‘s rendezvous where we are bringing together a group of artists whose investigations of landscape and place have tipped over to the realm of obsession. 

Working with paint, graphite, iron, concrete, electronics and photography, these artists are immersed in creative processes that are fueled by insatiable curiosity and an intrinsic link to natural cycles. Watching the weather, tracking the tides, predicting the wind, eyeing the light, mapping terrain, hauling gear, negotiating time; these artists are collaborating with and surrendering to the natural forces of their muse.  Join us for a glimpse into this process and resulting work, which while ready to share, is never really done.  

Artists: Maggie Wilder, Allen Moe, Todd Horton, Eugénie Frerichs, Peter Rand, David Neevel, and Aaron Loveitt

This is a free event!

Saturday, June 29th from 3pm to midnight.

Wood-fired soup prepared by Oso around 6pm.  

Music by Telekinesis.  

"Gift Shop" by guest artists

Event location Directions 

Overflow parking at the Bow Sanctuary (after 5pm)

The gallery exhibit can also be viewed after the event by appointment.  

